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Kappa Omega's 57th Annual Mardi Gras Tickets are ON SALE NOW!!!

Updated: Feb 14

Tickets to the Kappa Omega's 57th Annual Mardi Gras can be purchased directly from the brothers of Kappa Omega OR online through Eventbrite.

Hotel rooms can be booked directly through the Penn Harris by calling 717-763-7117; be sure to mention KAPPA OMEGA MARDI GRAS to get the best rate of $149/night!

The overflow hotel is the Comfort Suites (100 Bar S Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17001). The special rate is $149/night (same as the Penn Harris Hotel). For reservations, please call 717-857-8800, and Press "0".

If you reserve through their central booking or the website, you will NOT get the discounted rate.


Q. What is the theme this year?

A. Mardi Gras in and of itself is a theme party. Although we sometimes create a sub-theme,

we don't always do it.

Q. How much are the tickets?

A. Tickets prices start at $90.

Q. The tickets cost more online. Why is that?

A. There is a convenience fee when tickets are purchased via Eventbrite.

Q. Will you be selling tickets at the door?

A. It's highly unlikely that tickets will be available at the door since the event typically sells out. If we do, they will go for more than the online tickets.

Q. Can you hold a ticket for me?

A. We can't hold tickets! You can take your chances at the door but the way tickets are selling these days, I wouldn't count on getting one or paying the $85 price. For the last two years, we have had less than 20 tickets for door sales.

Q. Can I purchase a ticket for just Friday or Saturday night?

A. No. What you are purchasing is the Mardi Gras which is Saturday. Friday is a gift to those

who purchase a ticket for Saturday night.

Q. But I can only be there Friday (or Saturday). $90 is a lot of money.

A. We'd love to have you but we understand!

Q. Where can I get the tickets online?

A. Click over to the Kappa Omega Eventbrite page and look for the Mardi Gras link.

Q. I don't want my credit card information "out there". Can I still buy a ticket?

A. Of course you can. You can find one of the brothers selling tickets or take your chances at

the door. Note: This is the internet age. Whether you know it or not, your bank information

is already "out there".

Q. I bought my ticket early but my friend just got his/her. They are not at the same table.

Can we sit still sit together?

A. No. The tickets are grouped by table. The seller gets rid of them on a first-come, first-serve basis. Next year co-ordinate your buying efforts.

Q. I bought my ticket online, are you going to mail it to me?

A. No. Your ticket will be available in the hotel lobby from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Friday night. After that, you can get it at the main ballroom entrance.

Q. I was going to come but now I can't. Can I sell you my ticket back to Kappa Omega?

A. No. All sales are final.

Q. Can I book a suite?

A. No.

Q. Can you get me a room at the Penn Harris?

A. The rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. With the exception of the suites, the rooms are controlled by the Wyndham. Book early. Most rooms are usually booked when checking out the previous year. We recommend trying before Christmas of the prior year.

Q. I was too late to get into the Penn Harris. Is there a backup hotel?

A. Yes. The Comfort Suites (717-857-8880) It is less than 2 miles from the hotel.

Q. Somehow the Penn Harris is charging me for a room and I didn't book it.

A. Yes, you did. Every year the hotel gives us a rate that they don't use any other time of the

year. That's how we know the room could only be booked by someone coming to the Mardi

Gras. Also, you have to give your credit card number at the time of booking. You may have

forgotten to cancel your reservation because something came up in your life or somebody

backed out on you but please don't even come at us with that. We do not get a cut of the

room fees so it's between you and the hotel.

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